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EN Фото

Brass Quintet of the Russian National Philharmonic Orchestra

Zurich, summer school Maurice André

Hungary, competition, with members of jury, 05.2002

Master class by Guy Touvron, France, 2002

10 years anniversary of Moscow International Performing Arts Center, with Sergej Nakarjakov und Lawrence Brownlee , 21.12.2012

The Moscow Conservatory. Vladimir Krainev anniversary. State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi", Conductor - S. Sondetskis.

Berlin, Days of Russian culture, Juny 2004. Probe, Conductor - V.Ziva.

Master class by Guy Touvron, France, 2002

Moscow International Performing Arts Center, Vladimir Spivakov anniversary, 12.09.2004

With Helmuth Rilling. After the concert in the Moscow International Performing Arts Center - "The Creation" J.Haydn.

With Maya Plisetskaya

His Holiness Aleksiy II Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Presentation of the prize

With Winton Marsalis

The Moscow Conservatory, world premiere of Rodion Shchedrin opera "Boyarinya Morozova"

Saint Petersburg Philharmonia, after the premiere in Russia "Concerto Parlando" of Rodion Shchedrin

Moscow, Master class by Winton Marsalis

After the rehearsal D. Shostakovich concert Nr.1, Conductor - Maxim Vengerov, February 2013