Osnabruecker Zeitung "Neue OZ"
Osnabruecker Zeitung "Neue OZ"
Works by Schubert and Tchaikovsky at Euregio festival in Hagen
Hagen. Long echo in a former church in Hagen am Teutoburger Wald plays an important part in this concert. It allows two absolutely different instruments, a trumpet and a piano, to blend together. Kirill Soldatov, a young trumpet player from Moscow, distinguished with numerous awards, plays concerts at Euregio festival together with Tatyana Lyakh, who is well known to the regular audience of the festival.
Once again Kirill has caused a storm, this time it was a storm of rapture. In his concert piece for trumpet and piano by Willi Brandt, already in the overture, where other trumpet players are usually just warming up before showing their skills in the last piece, he demonstrates his winding passages with decorative hiss and repeated cracking sounds.
In Alexander Skryabin’s prelude for trumpet and piano the young maestro shows that his technique isn’t lacking intimate edges. His softly stepping halftones touch the audience just as much as the slowly ascending and retreating phrases.
In his company Tatyana Lyakh also leaves good impression, not only because the pieces for trumpet provide for long piano bits; to a degree these are well thought pauses for a trumpet player. She also plays many instrumental pieces by Franz Schubert, Peter Tchaikovsky, Franz Liszt and Sergey Rachmaninoff. Her interpretations of Schubert Imrpomptus in A mol are very unique.
She suddenly goes from the deep and grave middle part to the long free keyboard strokes staying within the confines of the theme. Both musicians perform the concert etude for trumpet and piano by Alexander Gödeke with ideal coherence. Close to the end, Soldatov once again opens his travelling music case and produces sonic presents from his motherland. The audience enjoys the wild variations of the popular song “Lovely Minka” and just as much enjoys the old national anthem of the tsarist Russia performed by the golden trumpet player.