"Moskovskiy Komsomolets"
"Moskovskiy Komsomolets"
Who is this, being seized by the camera at the live broadcast of Gershwin Gala – the recent opening of the “Spivakov Inviting…” fest? And just about more often than Spivakov himself? Though palyng in the last row stand? It’s true, the figure is very attractive: orchestra’s solo performer, leader of the trumpet group Kirill Soldatov — not yet 25 years old. And he is already marshal of the metropolitan trumpet realm: the guy is summoned to most demanding tasks. Shchedrin inviting Soldatov to perform the hardest solo part in his “Boyarynia Morozova”, Vladimir Teodorovich [Spivakov] himself beating the heck out him at rehearsals for Strauss, Maler or… Mosolov with his stridulous “Factory”. Isn’t it a good reason to have a look at the hero’s “inside”?